This morning i got a message from my friend Hendra, he told me that MJ has died. Are u kidding me?! That was my first thought. But when i told my little bro, he said he already knew. So it was true that MJ has died. I ran downstairs and turned on the TV, changed the channel to CNN and it was in breaking news. It said on the screen, "Michael Jackson died after taken to cardiac arrest"
OMG!!! No way... And i heard that he was in the middle of prep for his tour next month in London. Wow.... I know i'm not a big fan of MJ, but i do like some of his songs. His songs were really inspiring artists of today. And of course the fans too.
Many of Hollywood artists mourned for MJ's death. JT said "We've lost a music genius". Kim Kardashians said that music will never be the same again without MJ. I think so too. MJ was such a great n an inspiring artists. No one can copy his voice more over his moves.
"If you enter this world knowing you're loved & you leave this world knowing the same,then everything that happens in between can be dealt with"-MJ
Michael Jackson lived from 1958-2009. He died at the age of 50 with an unknown cause although he was taken to cardiac arrest before he died.
Michael Jackson, may you rest in peace....
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