...My Leisure Time...

~Stories, Memories and Little happiness in My Life~

King of POP Died

This morning i got a message from my friend Hendra, he told me that MJ has died. Are u kidding me?! That was my first thought. But when i told my little bro, he said he already knew. So it was true that MJ has died. I ran downstairs and turned on the TV, changed the channel to CNN and it was in breaking news. It said on the screen, "Michael Jackson died after taken to cardiac arrest"

OMG!!! No way... And i heard that he was in the middle of prep for his tour next month in London. Wow.... I know i'm not a big fan of MJ, but i do like some of his songs. His songs were really inspiring artists of today. And of course the fans too.
Many of Hollywood artists mourned for MJ's death. JT said "We've lost a music genius". Kim Kardashians said that music will never be the same again without MJ. I think so too. MJ was such a great n an inspiring artists. No one can copy his voice more over his moves.

"If you enter this world knowing you're loved & you leave this world knowing the same,then everything that happens in between can be dealt with"-MJ

Michael Jackson lived from 1958-2009. He died at the age of 50 with an unknown cause although he was taken to cardiac arrest before he died.
Michael Jackson, may you rest in peace....

Friends can be describe in alphabetical order. This is the list...

(A) ccepts you as you are
(B) elieves in "you"
(C) alls you just to say "HI"
(D) oesn't give up on you
(E) nvisions the whole of you
(F) orgives your mistakes
(G) ives unconditionally
(H) elps you
(I) nvites you over
(J) ust "be" with you
(K) eeps you close at heart
(L) oves you for who you are
(M) akes a difference in your life
(N) ever Judges
(O) ffers support
(P) icks you up
(Q) uiets your fears
(R) aises your spirits
(S) ays nice things about you
(T) ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U) nderstands you
(V) alues you
(W) alks beside you
(X) -plain things you don't understand
(Y) ells when you won't listen and
(Z) aps you back to reality...

*I've got this from my fren posting, see Cha-Cha's ART @ my links

I should say i'm so proud of my Science class. We made a very good progress n changes in this year's rank.

First, our school rank in Kabupaten rank (Jakarta Utara) (Don't know the english, someone tell me). Last year, our school's science class ranked 19th in Jakarta Utara. This year, our school's science class ranked in 7th placed in Jakarta Utara!!!

There is also provincial rank (DKI Jakarta). Last year, our science class ranked below 100th, 131th place. This year, we swept all the school and ranked 29th place!!!!
We jump over 102 schools!!! Wohoooo.... We are so good!! Long live science class of '09!

Yesterday, the top 3 ranked students from science class also had been announced. The ranked is based from UAN/UAS exam score. 3rd place is taken by Dewi, my BFF. Hahaha, i always knew she will spot the top 3. 2nd place is taken
by Yudith, also my BFF. Wew, she is such a calm girl n kinda rush things when it comes to study. So, i never expected her to be in the top 3. So sorry dith, i underestimated u....

And the 1st place is taken by.... (Drum Roll) ARIEL VICTOR!!! Wow!! He is a genius i must say, he's good in every subject, no wonder he is the champion.

The thing is, i wanted to take picts with those 3 but i forgot!! Kyaaaa..... I didn't have any picts with the top 3 students. But then i realized something. About 2 weeks ago, Me, Yudith and Dewi went to swim in Ariel's apartment. So, the 4 of us went to swim. N we've taken some picts after finished swimming!

Can u believe it? I've actually already took picts with the top 3, and i even didn't know they will be in the top 3!! GREAT!!!
Here are the photos...

1st place Ariel Victor. Yeah, keep on smiling....
(the truth is, this picts was taken for experiment
if the lighting in the pool is good enough for other picts.
He voulenteered for this picts.
I guess he is too narcist...)

2nd Place, Yudith ; Ariel ; 3rd place, Dewi ; n me

All of the photo was taken near the pool and it was already
evening, so it was kinda blurry.

Yesterday, at GRADUATION RELEASE PARTY 17th June 2009, i took so many picts. About 50 of them were in my handphone and now i'll direct it to my blog. But the picts in my blog it's only about 30-40 or so, because some of them are too blurry that i have to delete them. Trust me, u can't see anything from those blurry picts. So, lets get started!!! (Just Click the picture to zoom in n right click to save it)

Class Photo by: Michael HK



(Homeroom Teach)


With Sir Dede

With Mrs. Jessica

With Sir Aloy

With Sir Romi

Graduation Photos

Who don't want to take a picture, at least 2 picts, after they knew they had already graduated??? Well, i'm not one of them for certain. Because i'm going about to share these photos.... These were taken after the announcement.

Yeah, i know it's kinda blurry, but it's worth a memory. Taking pictures with that many friends.

BTW, there is Sir Dede in the middle, behind me, giving a victory sign with his hand.

This pict was taken in front of
graduation announcement board.

It's kinda blurry too, maybe it's because the lighting. The one in the middle is 1st grade chemistry teach, Mrs. Padmi.

Before going to movie theater, we met Nico, math genius from XII IPA2. He'll continue his study to Singapore. So, we took a picture with him before he leaves. There are 2 picts, Muti and me exchange position because the two of us who took the pict.

Another pict with friends n Sir Dede intrupted the photo session. Sir Dede almost dominated the photo back then. He likes to joke of course, but sometimes he jokes too much. This is the proof...

O yeah, i've just realized it. The students n the teachers in this pict, all of them are from science class. Hahahaha...

We took this pict at the 4th floor hall. Our faces were nearly invisible because the light comes from behind. I'm gonna miss this hall.

We've already decided that after the announcement, six of us-Me, Yudith, Sherly, S.A, Muti, n Dewi, were going to go watch 17Again at La Piazza. So we go there by angkot (public transportation in Indonesia).

This pict of Sherly n me was taken inside the angkot.
With the hot weather n sweat look, our faces seemed very dirty.

We took these picts while waiting for the studio to open. All of us didn't have any shame for taking picture at the theater-except Sherly, that was only when Yudith n me took the picture beside 17 AGAIN banner. Hahaha...

It's Me...

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26th September 1991

kinda lazy
like all about arts, from traditional to crafting
Easily get mad and kinda stubborn as well

ööö LOVES ööö
design with photoshop
Sweet stuff (dolls to foods)
my family & friends
anime & manga
J-POP & R&B-Pop

ööö HATES ööö
people that talk bad behind me
2 selfish, 2 egoist & 2 narcist person
stuck-up person

ööö WISHES ööö
have a Laptop
meet David Archuleta & CLAMP
much better in editing (adobe)
have an enjoyable work


Shout it Out!